Youth Ministry at Valley Bible Church
We desire to prepare our teens to live as adults who follow Christ and bring God glory in this world. To that end, our youth ministry seeks to provide solid biblical teaching and to foster healthy, God-centered relationships with their peers and with godly adults. We want to help our teens grow in their love of God and to help them grow in their service to others.
Sunday School
- Middle School Sunday School (Grades 6-8): Meets at 9:15 am throughout the school year.
- High School Sunday School (Grades 9-12): Meets at 9:15 am throughout the school year.
Contact Associate Pastor Erik Schaefer at: with questions about youth Sunday school.
Youth Group
Youth Nights for grades 7-12: Meets on the 1st and 3rd Sundays at Valley Bible Church in the Fellowship Hall from 6-8 pm. Please join us for dinner, games and activities, worship, Bible teaching, and small group discussions. Please contact Lauren Sharkey, our youth ministry director at: with any questions.
Special Youth Events Grades 7-12: Special events for youth fellowship and service projects will be held throughout the year and will be advertised in the Valley Bible News and through email. Please contact Lauren Sharkey, our youth ministry director at: with any questions.